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Chocolate from Bremen

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Delicious temptations made from cocoa: discover chocolate and chocolatiers from Bremen.

© Van Heyningen - WFB / Jörg Sarbach

Melt-in-the-mouth temptations made from and with chocolate are handmade for you in Bremen by some passionate chocolatiers and confectioners. Whether it's pralines, unusual chocolate bars or chocolate-coated sins - let the cocoa treats melt in your mouth or delight your loved ones with a sweet surprise from the Hanseatic city.


1. Van Heyningen chocolate factory

Sale: Use Akschen 91 (harbours, near the waterfront)
Nick van Heyningen from Bremen creates melt-in-the-mouth chocolate compositions for you. Fine pralines, marzipan delicacies, caramel creams, exquisite chocolate bars or chocolate spoons for your hot drink - the Van Heyningen patisserie promises you handmade perfection. You can buy the sweets directly online as well as at various points of sale, such as the factory outlet (Fridays between 4 and 6 pm at Cross Coffee / Use Akschen 91) or every Saturday at the Findorffmarkt.

Zwei viereckige Schachteln liegen auf einem Holztisch. Die Schachteln sind mit Pralinen gefüllt. Neben den Schachteln liegen zwei Küchenwerkzeuge.

© Nick van Heyningen / Cord Gode

Pralinen-Manufaktur van Heyningen

2. Chocolat from Grashoff

As a topping on a waffle, as the icing on fresh bread, a dollop on ice cream or straight from the spoon - it's hard to resist the ‘Chocolat’ in a jar from the Bremen-based Grashoff manufactory. In addition to classic Chocolat crèmes, you can also enjoy exotic variations such as dark Chocolat with Sicilian blood orange oil, white Chocolat with roasted macadamia nuts or crèmes with chilli extract or Murray River salt. You can buy this delicious treat in numerous supermarkets and delicatessens in Bremen or simply online.

Eine Produktaufnahme der Chokoladencreme in ihren Gläsern.

© Grasshoff

Die Chokoladencreme von Grasshoff

3. Schnoorkonditorei

Marterburg 32 (Schnoor)
The Schnoorkonditorei conjures up fresh and unique delicacies for you based on authentic Bremen recipes. Local specialities such as the traditional Bremer Klaben, Kluten, coffee bread, Schnoorkuller or delicious orange macaroons are made in the traditional way in the bakery's own bakery. Where's the chocolate? Don't worry, pralines and truffles are also waiting for you.

Ein typisches Gebäck aus Bremen. Hergestellt in einer Bremer Konditorei.

© WFB / Carina Tank

4. Mayer Junior

Rumour has it that the most delicious chocolate marshmallow in the world is made in Bremen - at Mayer Junior, and has been since 1934. The company not only specialises in sinful marshmallows, but also produces coconut bars, peppermint pillows and marzipan products. The traditional recipes, high-quality ingredients and the consistent avoidance of any additives and flavourings make the specialities from Bremen a special taste experience. Many bakeries and patisseries stock the products in Bremen or you can buy them in the online shop.

Einige Schokoküsse stehen auf einem Holzbrettchen.

© Fotolia-alex9500

Schokoküsse zählen auch zu den Bremer Süßigkeiten.

5. Chocolate meets wine in Bremen's Ratskeller

At the market (centre)
Bremen's Ratskeller is not called the delicious foundation of Bremen's town hall for nothing. The Ratskeller not only specialises in fine wines, but also in combining them perfectly - with chocolate, for example. On the premium wine and chocolate tour, you can savour five wines with a matching sweet made from cocoa beans.

Vier Personen stoßen mit Wein im Bremer Ratskeller an.

© Bremer Ratskeller / Plan B / Katja Thiele

Personengruppe im Ratskeller

6. Nusswahn

‘What does the nut have to do!’ - This is the motto of Nusswahn, a Bremen-based company that has set itself the goal of minimising its carbon footprint in the production and shipping of its products. And where is the chocolate, you ask? It covers the nut, but also dried fruit or cereal pops, in all their variations. How about almonds in truffle chocolate or cranberries in dark chocolate, for example? You can order these and many other combinations directly online.

Eine Hand hält eine Verpackung mit Mandel und Trüffelschokolade von Nusswahn.

© nusswahn GmbH

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